Hi Festivefeet The best thing to do is to go to his site and to email him to ask. I really can't start telling you too much on the details (though i'd love to) because its not my course and its copyrighted. He does a money back guarantee within a year so you can always do that if you don't find it helpful. I'm sorry to dodge the question. Hugs Duncan.
I also saw this site and was very skeptical of it. I think that fifty dollars is a lot of money and when I read it I couldn't really find any details of what the method entailed, which made me very leery.
Can you tell what the nine pillars are? Of course all of us would like to be free from this and sometimes when things seem to good to be true we tend to think they are, ya know what I mean?
How long until you regained your "normal" Panic/Anxiety free life back?
festivefeet <><
Its a relisation as much as a technique. The panick and the feelings that you feel are f*****ing horrendous when you suffer from anxiety. The realisation is that they are feelings. You ain't gonna die, go nuts, make it worse by confronting it etc etc. If you want to get better then oneday you have to confront it. The realisation can be a matter of days and then its downhill from there really. Its not like bang you never have to feel down or anxious or scared again but it starts going very quickly when you learn how to train your mind not to do it by diverting your concious mind. Anxiety is a habit. Its a natural response that can become WAY over vigilant. Its not a lack of brain chemicals etc etc. Nobody is ill when they suffer from anxiety its just an innappropriate response that can amke you FEEL very ill indeed. But when you conquer it, you realise how unnecessary the suffering was. The program has nine pillars that you live by in order to conquer the condition, you do it everyday until you are clear. Hugs Duncan
Thanks for all your input!!
I agree that it costs less than many things, however, one doesn't want to just spend money without knowing a little more about it. I did email him. Also how long before you saw results? How much time does it entail?
Do you do this daily, etc?
Its empowerment basically. Its shows you how to 'normalise' your panic and mood by visulisation AND diversion. The pack contains a manual and a visulisation audio. The pack breaks down what anxiety is (an inappropriate response) and the science behind it. Shows you how to in the immediacy to acctpt it and ways of diverting your attention away from it. In essence it is about relearning behaviour patterns much like cognitve behaviour therapy but quicker. This guy is an ex-suffer and he knows what he's talking about. I would send you the manual, but i think i would be breaking copyright. I'll check but i'm not sure its legal. The method is, however, quite cheap. If people really want to make a change in their lives and rid themselves of this debilitating condition, in my opinion this is the way to do it and its not easy but its certainly not as hard as living with it. Its really hard to judge i know because he charges for it and (i presume) he profits but i'm not sure about that. Having said that its less than a private counselling session and infinitely more effective. I hope thid helps let me know how you get on. Hugs Dunc
I passed this by chance and thought i would give some input. I used to suffer from GAD panic attacks and depression. I came across a method called the linden method a couple of months ago and its cleared all of them. It costs about £30 which i guess is about $55. I thought i would mention it because it is far and away the best treatment (and i had tried everything). Its drug free, easy, fast and the best thing is it works no matter how long or how severe the condition. I couldn't pass the site without mentioning it. I hope this helps some people and i don't mind answering questions if anyone's got any. Best of luck. Dunc