Good Morning Everyone! I am very glad to have found this site because it is so active and everyone so supportive. However, there is no live chat. I also participate at the medical wellness site,, under the panic/anxiety community. The board is not as active as this one but it does have an option for live chat. You do have to register to use this site but it€™s free like this one. I have put a message up there today asking if anyone wants to participate in online chat at 9pm EST (figured that would give everyone time to €œget there€). If you would like to chat tonite go to that site, on the left hand side under community forum click on €œpanic/anxiety€, next click on the little chat button at the top rightish corner of the screen, finally click the €œpanic/anxiety room€ to enter. Hope to see some of you there, don€™t know about you guys but I could use the during the moment support. Hope you have a good day!! Rachele