I am so happy to finally find people that are having the same problems as I am. When I was first diagnosed, (two years after the "symtoms" appeared)I was still convinced I was dying of some unknown to man disease. I started to develope agoraphobia and other phobias. This disease, or ailment, or whatever it should be labeled, has taken it's toll in many areas of my life. Just when I think I have it beat, something new comes along, and I am left wondering, "is this panic? or should I go to the doctor...." But one of the very first things that developed is my fear of being alone. I'm not quite sure what it is that I think is going to happen, all I know is that I feel like I need someone there to "help" me. In reality, they can't do anything for me really!! I'm over the "I'm dying" thing. But the feelings and symptoms of panic are just awful. I am no longer stuck inside my house, (didn't leave my house for one year!!) I finally got off xanax after 5 years, (YEAHHH!!) I do still take medication daily, and to be honest, I get nervous in the Doctor's office, and usually reschedule several times!! Traveling is the worst part of my panic troubles......I am fully capable of driving, however I don't go very far. I do venture to travel a couple times a year if someone else is driving, and it is usually very uncomfortable for me. I can't wait to get home. I feel like the ****her away it is I go, the longer it will take to get back and that is just more time being uncomfortable. My daughter, who is turning 18 next month, has been there for me through all of this, and I think my anxiety level is higher wondering what I will do if she moves out? I even work out of my home, and I feel blessed that I could actually find my job on the internet.......because this panic disorder has me cornered sometimes. I wish there were an online live chat where I could talk to people with the same problems......anyone know of any?I think at this point my fear is of the anxiety itself!! [color=Purple]Text[/color][font=Comic Sans MS]Text[/font]