Ive had this for 13 yrs, and often wondered about my children having it since I do. Believe me, you will be able to see predictive behavior before hand it any of your children do experience it, although we pray they dont, the good thing is they have someone who will be educated about it, and can truly understand panic, that takes a load of their shoulders. My son is the one who is exhibiting anxiety, not panic, and I pray it doesnt go there. But it has to do with school mostly, and when he gets sick, the going back, and people asking him what was the matter. During these times, he gets insomnia and irritable bowels, but not full blown panic, we talk about it.
Since you recently started experiencing yours, had you had major stressors the months before, even though at the time you felt as if you were handling it well? Have one of your children gone off to college, or married? Mostly it is the ones that you feel more closer too, the older ones, and seperation anxiety, its a whole new ballgame, as my daughter is 19 and my attacks worsened as she was gone to school in another city, away with friends on weekends, I just was worried about her, and yet afraid for myself as she was the oldest, and my husband works night shift, the anxiety was worse at night for me.