Ummm, YEAH! You have some of the classic symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder! But first, I'll assume that you have had a complete physical, including having bloodwork to test for thyroid problems. If all physical symptoms have been ruled out, you MAY have a bit of an anxiety problem. There is a lot of info in the left hand columns of this page, PLEASE read this if you haven't already! I personally have cronic sleep problems, and lower left back pain (muscle spasms) when I'm really stressed (ie, work :mad:), along with a lot of other physical symptoms. I'd also be interested as to what drugs you have tried in the past. I can not tolerate SSRI's (Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro), But I'm going to give Effexor a try as soon as I see my Doctor again (if he'll give me a script, anyways). I hope this helps, if you have any questions/comments, please feel free to post, there are a lot of GREAT people here who are willing to help anyway they can!