Ok about me.
I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder in February 2004. Ive been
dealing with it for around 3 months, but was suffering for around 6-9 i
Ive been on luvox, an SSRI similar to zoloft for around 6 weeks now i
think. It has changed my life. I was suffering from minor depression
along with PD for quite a while and I was dreadfully unhappy inside,
mainly due to my work stress situation.
Demographically I am 28 year old male, an IT professsional, currently
doing my masters degree alongside a very demanding job. All of this
changed with PD, but fortunately I still have a good job and am still
studying my masters. I am also married to a wonderful woman.
Unfortunately once you develop something like PD none of this seems
to be able to lift you out of the hole until you get help.
In the last 3 months, I have gone from being someone who had next to
no knowledge about this disorder to being pretty much an expert. I
have done this through extensive reading and research, therapy - both
with a clinical psychologist and self mastery therapy, which is still
ongoing, and the application of my own insight.
I figure attacking the problem from all angles has to be the best
approach. I am making really good progress. Its a sh*t disorder as it
tends to feed on itself.
But its generally a temporary ailment and with the right approach can
be cured quickly and permanently.
All the evidence points towards the use of SSRIs, combined with
cognitive behavioural therapy and self mastery therapy to give you the
best chance of a quick and permanent recovery.
Even then you are not considered cured until you can go through a 3
month period without a panic attack. And even then you will most
likely be on the SSRI for 9-12 months + and using the exercises and
management techniques you learn through therapy on a daily basis to
get through it.
Some people cant handle SSRIs for various reasons. And some SSRIs
dont react well with some people. But most people handle at least one
SSRI really well. There is some pot luck unfortunately with
prescription. My GP said to me just yesterday that he is so pleased
luvox is working well for me. It would not be uncommon for me to
have to be moved t