If there was a book written for every position for having a panic attack, I would have had them all!
I have had the total fetal position can't move paralyzing position.
Then came the laying in bed, stiffened, while husband rubbed feet, and rubbed head, something about the endorpins being released during a head rub helps.
I have had the gotta pace, walk, sip cold water, over and over.
Sit and breathe (only works for minor attacks, more anticipatory).
I think its the severity of the attack what pushes you into whatever position is best. Walking has helped me during the times I feel it coming on, but still distant enough away, that it regulates my breathing more, the subtle hyperventilation is what triggers the tingling beforehand, and pronounced hyperventilation that gives you the cant breathe, total dizziness sensation.
And around and around we go.........