Okay. I had the battery of heart tests before I left for Florida a month ago. 24 hour holter, echocardiogram and they found nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. My family doctor and my cardiologist told me to go to Florida and forget about taking my pulse constantly, which I have. And the panic level has been amazingly low for the first time in years. I'm extending my vacation till June.
BUT...all good things must come to an end, and just about 15 minutes ago, my heart started jumping around again. It did it 2-3 times in less than a minutes time. Now...since neither doctor really addresses my panic seriously...and both said there is nothing wrong with my heart. Does the panic/and or peri menopause cause this to happen? Does anyone else get it? And can someone reassure me that I really am okay? I'm not having chest pains, my heart isn't racing...it jumped and made me catch my breath. Yes, it's happened before. I suppose I'm just taking a step backwards for a moment, knowing the answers, but wanting to hear them again. For those of you who DO get the palpitations, at what point would you run to the hospital? I don't feel panicky at all really. It just scared me.
For those of you who are sometimes at wit's end if this panic is ever going to end, try a trip to say....Florida...Miami is good...my meds haven't changed, and this isn't the first time that a change of scenery seemed to "cure" me some. It's nice to be free almost all the time.
Now...if these darn palpitations would stay away!
I need a quick reassurance and thanks to anyone who replies!