Please please dont dwell on this. This by far is something that happens to everyone. I have caught myself doing it, and vice versa with someone else talking to me. And believe me, we just laughed it off, saying "Geesh, I was just talking to my husband",etc and they laughed with me. It would be different and taking differently only if you said their name with a pause and then " I love you", not that would be something to worry over.
Once while working I answered the phone at work, and this guy was talking to me, saying What are you doing?, I said Oh just working. Then he started asking me what was wrong, I said nothing was wrong, he then said Why are you so short with me? I said what? Im not. Then he said is this Phyllis? I said no, he started laughing, as Phyllis was my coworker, and I was trying to figure out who I was talking too, and he thought I was his wife, and was wondering why I wasnt merrily talking to him on the phone.
It happens more often than you think!