Mom2Jasper, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!!!! That is the worst and most prevalent symptom of my anxiety. For the last two days, i was in a constant state of unrealness, however, I didn't lose my mind even though I was sure I was going to.
On Friday morning, I was feeling my worst. completely detached from the outside world. My vision was at times blurry, my breathing irregular and the overall feeling to not being with my body. What was making things worse, I was due at work at 2pm.
I was so close to calling in, but I knew my anxiety would triple if I stayed home. Out of desperation, I listened to a 35 minute relaxation tape and took a very hot shower. I ended up being very relaxed and reconnected with myself. Work turned out to be really fun. :)
I've done the relaxation tapes twice since then and I've really calmed down and reconnected with myself in the last few days. Infact, today I worked an entire 7 hour shift with no problems!!!!!!!!!! Since september, I haven't been able to work more than four hours before I became very anxious and tired. Because of that, my boss shortened all my shifts to four hours. But today, I DID IT!!
So my advice to you Mom2Jasper, is try and do some form of relaxation. Try a tape or if you don't have one, just lay quietly on your bed with soft music (preferably one with no lyrics) and imagine yourself in a calm, lush meadow with birds chattering up above and the sun warming your entire body. I know it sounds corny but it really worked
good luck, and remember, YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MIND!!! I've never heard of anyone losing their minds or passing out from a panic attack. If you've seen Finding Nemo, do as Dory says and "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" (that movie is also a stress reliever too by the way.)
Good luck and lots of love,