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can anyone help me

for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
:)thank you for responing to my letters i sit here with tears in my eyes because final i know that there are people out there that understand what im going through i dont mean to say that im happy that you have what i have because going through life like this can really destroy a person outlook on life. but i hope that i will beable to get to know you all and maybe i can help you and maybe you can help me i really would like to find penpals who can relate to and maybe we can help each other again thanks for your thoughts it means alot to me :)my email is plzhelpme@yahoo.com
for 21 år siden 0 364 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Help and Think, Welcome !!! Help, I too was able to stay home alone until my husband started night shift and I was fearful to stay at night by myself. I started back on medication, and after a couple of weeks, was able to start staying at night alone. But I understand about the diary, its like ..... well if I dont attempt to put myself into situations that will cause panic, you have no panic attacks, but still have the disorder with agoraphobia. Seems kinda funny, you had 0 attacks this week. Ive had that on my diary too. Suggestion, maybe try very small steps, like whoever stays with you, for them to leave once a day, 15 mins at first, and slowly gradually build up from there, where you do not accompy them. Small steps are big achievements!! Trish
for 21 år siden 0 20 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just found this online support group and I can't beleive all the other people suffering from panic. I was unable to stay alone the first 16 years of my life as I would have panic attacks, I was able to get over this. Now that I am 27 panic has returned in my life the last 3 years during many occasions and I find it extreamly hard to find help but I keep fighting it.
for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
[b]Text[/b] :quest: hi its me again i have started the program but i dont understand how to do the diary because i always have someone stay with me so i really not having the panic all the time as long as someone is with me i can go on everyday feeling okay. but i know in the program it says you will learn how to face your fears well when i think of that i start thinking the worst and then the thoughts of i cant do this wins over ya you can i guess having someone with me for all theses years was the worst thing i could have done now i dont know if i can get better cause i have avoided so much in my life 21 years of hiding it i dont know if i can face it i have read alot of people that have taken baby steps in there progress i feel really proud of them i hope i can be just like them someday :)
for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
thanks everyone who has responded knowing that there are people out there who understand what im feeling and how scary it really is makes me know that im not alone. what my biggest problem is why did this happen to me but i never find a answer the doctors and theripists i have seen say that it is cause by my terrible childhood i had but if they think that was the problem then why cant they never help me???????? i was doing great for the last say 10 years i wasnt able to stay alone but i was able to live my life without panic then about 2 weeks ago my husband dropped the biggest bomb on me he has been having a affair so here im i have no family and i cant even leave cause im scared to be alone so im trying to forgive and forget not easy now i back to the way i was when i first started this panic and fears i cant sleep i cant eat i feel like my chest is so tight i cant breathe i just want to run away and die but you know when the doctor ask you have you ever try to kill yourself you know what my answer is how the he** can i kill myself when im so scared of dying but before i could handle alot but now i seem to not beable to handle this .well i probley have more to tell you but i just dont know what else to say right now I HATE FEELING SCARED ALL THE TIME I WANT TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENTS I THINK MAYBE THIS DAY MIGHT GO A LITTLE BETTER GOD BLESS YOU......PLZHELPME :)
for 21 år siden 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Helpmeplz - Welcome to this site! You'll find that you're not alone here! So many of us feel the way you do. There are others here who fear being alone, and some who have tried different doctors and meds, too. I believe we must keeping trying or we will never be successful. I'm having a hard time right now as I have started a new med and and side effects are scary. I don't know if it's working or not, I have only been taking it for 4 days. I guess I just have to wait and see. We all understand here, so if you need to vent, this is the place!
for 21 år siden 0 293 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Cathy, This is a great place for you, you're not alone. Remember we all have set backs in life, even those who don't have panic disorder. Have you discussed these concerns with your family doctor? It is important to do that. Keep your postings coming, your thoughts and concerns are important to all of us. Susanne
for 21 år siden 0 65 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Geez? 21 years? I've had severe panic attacks for 5. & I'm 25 years old. That's weird. I differ because before I had this **** disorder I had alot of people around me because I kinda had a life & I had alot of friends not because I was scared to be alone. I hate my life too & how this plague robbed virually everything from me. I'm getting pretty fed up with it to say the least. I don't think I'll ever amount to anything. At this point I'd kinda rather be alone-I have very few people I can trust anymore. Look at me 3:30 in the morning & I can't even sleep I keep tossing & turning having racing thoughts but I responded to your post didn't I? Sorry If I scared you but I'm just being honest panic disorder S-U-C-K-S! You're not alone
for 21 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
[b]Text[/b][font=Comic Sans MS]Text[/font] :8o: hi my name is cathy i have had a fear of being alone for 21 years now and i have got to the point that i need help i have try differnt doctors and differnt drugs but i always start doing good then i get a set back and i go down hill what i hate the most is im 39 years old and i cant stay alone by myself im so embrassed and i feel so guilty that i have to have someone stay with me all the time i hate my life so bad i just cant understand why i am the way i am i hate feeling scared and panic all the time if there is someone out there who could help me to understand i would really like to talk thanks helpmeplz

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