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for 21 år siden 0 128 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think there are so many factors that cause someone to get panic disorder. I think the biggest factor is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Just weeks ago, I never would have said that- I thought it was just a little too easy an explanation, a tidy little package that was great for the drug companies to sell their anti-depressants. But now, it's clear to me that all these people who have the exact same symptoms absolutely have to be suffering from a biochemical illness. Definetely, I think other factors play a role. I beat myself up for a long time for taking acid when I was a kid. Since my first panic attack happened on a very bad acid trip, I thought that caused me to have panic disorder. But then I had no panic attacks for years and then, a year and a half ago, I started getting them all of a sudden again, and with it all the guilt and self loathing. I really did feel like it was a punishment but I couldn't figure out what my crime was. I hadn't used drugs in nearly 10 years. PD and agoraphobia also runs in my family-my mom had it for years and still does from time to time. I guess this is a genetic link, but I often wonder what it does to a young impressionable kid when mom is scared of everything all the time. I remember my mom having to get out of malls and being very nervous. I'm sure that rubbed off on me in some way. I am the youngest of 2 and my sister does not have this. I have always been more sensitive than she is and I think this plays a role. It is my guess that sensitive, creative people are more prone to this than other types. Just a guess. Steve, I think your mom's punishment seems a bit harsh. But I think there are a ton a factors that cause someone to get PD. As I have said before, I would love to study this subject and find out what similarities we all have. But that would be a little self-absorbed, wouldn't it?
for 21 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
After years of thinking about this problem and for a long time blaming my mother, I've come to the conclusion that our past histories have very little to do with our "getting" panic disorder in the first place. However, I do believe that our insecurities and sensitivities (greatly influenced by our early years) do have a huge impact in how we deal with the problem. For example, my mom always cared about "what the neighbors thought" to an almost neurotic degree. Now I find that one of my greatest fears is to have a panic attack in front of other people. This, of course, leads to agoraphobia. In your case, you wonder if this might be a "punishment" because of the experiences you had as a young person. It isn't a punishment but a disease which can be treated in a number of ways! I understand how this thought resonates with you though. It's not easy to change the way we look at things. Even though I know it shouldn't matter that other people see me panic, it's still there. Those early emotional messages are so hard to silence...
for 21 år siden 0 65 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes I am the 1st born. My sister & brother are both 4 years apart from me. I think that has alot to do with it too. My brother wasn't really raised nowhere near the way me & my sister were, he's been living with my father after the divorce & he pretty much does what he wants. It scares me though because it seems he thinks alot like me & parties alot like I did when I was his age even though he wasn't as wild as I was but I just hope that panic skips him. But yeah I try to forget about the past too but it's been pretty hard for me Thanks P.S. Hippies are cool people by the way :)
for 21 år siden 0 239 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Steve, First of all, I too worry a bit about scaring people on the board with my history of substance abuse. So you’re not alone there. I think it definitely plays a part in panic disorder. I do think you’re mother went too far in doing what she did and I also agree that your upbringing played a big part in the panic disorder. My upbringing was quite the opposite to yours. Both my folks are really easy going hippies lol. My mother had panic disorder and agrophobia in her early 20’s. She had a harsh upbringing and came from a violent household. She’s the eldest of 4 and was the only sibling to suffer any anxiety disorder. I’m the eldest of 2. Where you the older sibling in your family? I’m wondering maybe it’s got to do with being the first child to experience everything, while the younger family members watch the example. If you’re older than your sister that maybe part of why she’s not suffering through this like yourself. Substance abuse makes panic disorder worse, true. But then heaps of people have panic disorder without even touching drugs. So try not to feel guilty about the past. What’s done is done and its over. I also feel that my life is slipping away with all this panic. I remind myself that all I have is now. Sometimes this makes absolutely no difference to my depression and anxiety. Infact most of the time it makes it worse! But I’ve found it forces me to make the most of what I have so I try and enjoy the now. Hope this has helped a bit. Take care Steve. :)
for 21 år siden 0 65 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This was one of the 1st topics brought up by the 1st counselor I've ever seen that hinted at 1 significant reason why I'm plagued with whis disorder. When me & my sister were young kids, we used to play outside alot, watch TV together you name it ...we were very close in those days. Just like any normal siblings of course we argued from time to time but a "punishment" we would get quite frequently would be to go to our rooms and be forced to lay in bed for an hour & not get up(sometimes 2 hours) I can never forget being trapped in bed staring at the alarm clock waiting to be able to get the hell outta bed .Alot of times when the time was supposed to be up we would start to feel relieved & we would ask eachother why wasn't our mother telling us we could get up. Most of the times when we asked her the answer was "just for asking, another hour!!!" This went on for a while. Our father never knew this went on until a little after the divorce when I told him the counselor brought that to my mind .He was pretty outraged & I could write a novel of how strict & religious my mother was(still to this day) but anyways... He & alot of my family agree that that was going way too far(Don't you all?!) and could be a reason to have caused my panic attacks but my father alot asks me why doesn't my sister have panic disorder & I often get this guilt trip put on me that it's due to my past alcoholism & substance abuse (She never partied 1 bit in her life to my knowledge she's only had maybe 3 drinks tops her whole life) But still... Feel free to give me your opinions & I would also like to know if any of you came from a pretty unusual childhood because I can tell you I sure did. I like this board because people are open here & I could use the support(Sorry if I tend to scare people sometimes)...I've been feeling like my life has just been fading away and I'm going nowhere very fast if that makes any sense? Thanks & goodnight P.S. I definitely believe in the existence of God I'm not knocking religion.

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