I think there are so many factors that cause someone to get panic disorder. I think the biggest factor is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Just weeks ago, I never would have said that- I thought it was just a little too easy an explanation, a tidy little package that was great for the drug companies to sell their anti-depressants. But now, it's clear to me that all these people who have the exact same symptoms absolutely have to be suffering from a biochemical illness. Definetely, I think other factors play a role. I beat myself up for a long time for taking acid when I was a kid. Since my first panic attack happened on a very bad acid trip, I thought that caused me to have panic disorder. But then I had no panic attacks for years and then, a year and a half ago, I started getting them all of a sudden again, and with it all the guilt and self loathing. I really did feel like it was a punishment but I couldn't figure out what my crime was. I hadn't used drugs in nearly 10 years.
PD and agoraphobia also runs in my family-my mom had it for years and still does from time to time. I guess this is a genetic link, but I often wonder what it does to a young impressionable kid when mom is scared of everything all the time. I remember my mom having to get out of malls and being very nervous. I'm sure that rubbed off on me in some way.
I am the youngest of 2 and my sister does not have this. I have always been more sensitive than she is and I think this plays a role. It is my guess that sensitive, creative people are more prone to this than other types. Just a guess.
Steve, I think your mom's punishment seems a bit harsh. But I think there are a ton a factors that cause someone to get PD. As I have said before, I would love to study this subject and find out what similarities we all have. But that would be a little self-absorbed, wouldn't it?