I have experienced many sensations during my time with panick disorder everything from blurred vision, palpitation, tingling in arms, legs, face, head, tongue. When you panic you are hypersensitive to all body sensations and the chemicals released in your body as well as the movement of blood changes and can cause many symptoms. These symptoms get magnified during panic. One thing that I read that has helped me is to focus on body function not body sensations. For instance, if I feel a sensation in an area of the body I ignore the sensation and check to see if that part of my body is functioning and so far it always is. So if you feel that sensation, see if you can move your jaw, move your head, move your arms and legs. If so, it is only a sensation. If you are worried that it is something with your brain, remember that in most cases only one side of the body is affected and usually spans down the arm and or leg and one side of the face. Neck problems can cause sensations like you describe, but usually aren't serious and can be corrected. I hope this helps you.