Your doing wonderful!!! You have made tremendous progresses. It takes awhile to completely get those thoughts out of the back of our minds. Yes keep the positive thoughts in, but also practice your coping skills, self talk, breathing, relaxation, even after you master this. This will also offset relapses, or let those thoughts creep back in. Think back whenever you did have a relapse, was it because you felt so comfortable, you didnt continue your medicine, or your daily relaxation skills, positive thinking. This applies to anyone with or without panic attacks. If you lead a hectic pace life of jobs, etc. Everyone needs to just take a breather and collect themselves. Identify those stressor times, and if you continue to keep practicing these skills, after you have mastered all fears, you will be better prepared to handle the stress triggers, if one should arises, that the thoughts will not be complusive to worrying yourself. I applaud you so much and look forward to reading your posts, as you have accomplished alot, and have shown a good attitude to keep stepping further to overcome your fears.
God Bless,