Hi Lisa and Losing,
Hey we have some good goals we are working on to take more triggers out of our life!!! Kudos to us!! To answer you Lisa, I've had panic attacks for 13 yrs, but not continually, I was full blown, agoraphobic. After about 5 years of going thru the routine of doctors, cardiologists, blood tests, etc.etc. I sought a specialist, I had tried a few other doctors, one didnt do cognitive therapy, etc. So I moved on till I found one, that I absolutely loved and put alot of trust and faith into him. He put me on an additional medication, in conjunction with the benzo my family doctor had me on. After about 6 months I was driving again, and no longer agoraphobic. Im back here now, because I make the worst mistake of trying to doctor myself, since I was panic free for 3 years, and thought I didnt need my medication. But I relapsed within 4 months and was like having the first panic attack again. So... Im back on the medicine, slowly getting a increase in dosage,setting goals for myself, finding this support group, and will never go off my medicine again, once I reach that stage I had before. I had my life back, and I want it back again !!