I think I'm one of the only guys in this place. How comforting. : )
Anyway, I completely understand your panic attacks and not wanting to take medication. I am 24 and I have had panic attacks off and on since high school. I always told myself I wouldn't take anything. I even considered it a sign of weakness if I couldn't deal with the problem myself. But the panic got to the point where I was getting so frustrated, so I started taking very low doses of Xanex. It does help, but what I've come to find out is, it's not necessarily the drug that helps. It's the idea of having the drug IF I need the drug. Seriously. The other day I was having a panic attack and I didn't want to take the Xanex, so I sat there with the pill in my hand for a minute and it calmed me, then I put the Xanex up to my mouth and it calmed me some more, then I took the Xanex and I felt a lot better. But I FELT BETTER BEFORE the Xanex had even entered my bloodstream. So, yes, Xanex, Zoloft, etc. does help, but sometimes it's mind over medicine.
I've tried reading books, listening to music, etc. But people don't understand that when a panic attack occurs, the words, "It's not going to hurt you, just breath" doesn't help. I'm a really strong Christian and I know God is right by my side. That's the greatest help in the world.