Hi Raymond,
Welcome!!! Panic attacks affect many people, at first when we do get them, we feed off the negative thoughts, but NO we are not being cursed or punished by God for past transgressions. If I were you, I would visit my doctor again, if you can find a therapist that works well with panic disorders the better, to explain, you are agoraphobic, thus preventing yourself from having attacks, because of the avoidance behavior we create for ourself. Its not that we are scared of a party, or saying flying on a plane, but the thought of what if...I have a panic attack while there, what will I do, I cant flee fast enough. You possibly need a medication adjustment, and need to start here and with a therapist on cognitive (changing the way we think-not feeding off the negative thoughts)therapy and exposure therapy, in baby steps. Please keep with us, and posting, we all have been there or going through the same things .