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Any hints or tips for Celexa

for 21 år siden 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today is day 1 of Cipramil at 20mg. I took the liberty of taking half a Xanax (.25mg) with my first dose because I was feeling anxious about upping the dose and how it would make me feel. I feel pretty good. Nothing bad happened. Still alive. I am recovering.
for 21 år siden 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The last few days have been not so good. My motivation was low and anxiety and depression was high. On Thursday last week my baby steps were becoming gaint strides and by the weekend, I couldn't keep it up. Not without getting good sleep that the Cipramil has been so kindly interupting. I'm tired and exhausted. Well the good news is that the pendulum has started to swing back the other way again. I'm a little wiser as this too was a lesson that needed learning. I am still recovering from panic disorder. I had a good talk with my therapist and we are gaining ground. I know that the pendulum will keep swinging but I know that the swings will get more predictable and I can handle whatever it has to throw at me. Even and especially when I don't emotionally feel that I can. I learned that this disorder still scares me very much. I still fear on an emotional level that I won't be able to handle the "big one" waiting around the corner for me and my therapist is helping me to get to a point where a panic attack can throw its worst at me and I'll let it pass like a summer storm. We have a plan. Tomorrow I increase my dose of Cipramil to 20mg. I think I'll have a great day like Mike if thats ok with Mike. ;)
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Keep up the good work! :) I hope the meds even out for you soon. It took me a while with the Effexor. Mike
for 21 år siden 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Day 7. Felt really jittery this morning. I'm almost up to my dose increase and I'm a bit scared. Had this bizarre light headed floating feeling today like I'm not quite with it (felt kinda like valium). I'm hoping its just an anxiety symptom and not how the cipramil will be making me feel for the duration. I could get used to it I guess but its a little frightening for a control freak to lose the fine control and become clumbsy and slow. I am still recovering and am having a great day like Mike. It hard work but I'm worth it.
for 21 år siden 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Woo hoo Adele! You challenged your fear and got through it! Nice going! It is a victory, and it's so delightful to read of it. Here's a blue ribbon!
for 21 år siden 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Day 4. Having a good day again. Guess what I did last night. Go on... bet you can't..... ok ok I'll tell. Yesterday afternoon, since I was feeling so fabulous, I decided not to take my afternoon Xanax that keeps the night time anxiety at from destroying my peace of mind at night. I decided to try using my pattarn of anxiety at night as an exposure exercise.So when I felt the anxiety symptom, I acknowleded it, identified it challenged my generalisation that "this is it, anxiety time" and let it go. And it went away. Of course there was another thought just waiting around the bend for me but I did the same thing and I lasted until my evening dose (I don't usaully need the Xanax in the morning so I just had .5mg before I went to sleep) and I'm still alive to tell the tale. I felt calm and had experienced a strong feeling of freedom even just for a short time. Now I'm hungry for it. I know I'll have setbacks and I know it will be hard work. It was really tiring being mindful of my thoughts all evening and letting the anxious feelings come and go but worth every ounce of energy spent. I am recovering.
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am not familiar with Cipramil, but I can tell you that when I began the Effexor I could not sleep. I take Xanax at night to insure that I fall asleep. You might want to ask the doc about a sleep aid to get you through the adjustment period. Sleep deprivation is no fun and it increases your stress level. [quote] I know intellectually that I can't predict the future and worrying about what might happen isn't going to make it better [/quote] I'll go you one better than that. I read a study that showed 99% of all the things people (even the "normal" people :)) stress over never happen. 99%! Those are pretty good odds there. I use that info to help me sometimes. I really like the rain CD. The rain forest one is nice too but the monkeys and the birds are sometimes distracting. With the rain it is like a steady white noise. I use the rain forest to relax in the afternoon or in the morning to ease into the day. I use the rain, a stream or a guided meditation CD to go to sleep. Keep up the good work! Mike
for 21 år siden 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Day 3. Daytime rocks. I have anxiety's's number during the day. I went for a big long walk this afternoon and I feel fabulous. I felt a little nauseous this morning for a moment but I let it pass knowing I was going to be ok. And guess what.... I was. Night time still needs some convincing but I still have some energy left today to be mindful of my thinking and that is a vast improvement for me. Night time is when I get mentally tired so it is when I am most vulnerable to anxiety and fear. Night time is also when the majority of my panic attacks have happened in the past. I know intellectually that I can't predict the future and worrying about what might happen isn't going to make it better. My emotions are just taking a little longer to convince. It will happen. Unfortunately I have heard the sleep nature sounds CD from start to finish twice now (both times last night). Don't get me wrong, great CD and very soothing but I'm not sure whether it is the cipramil or the idea that i'm on a new med that keeps me alert but I certainly don't feel like sleeping when it gets to bed time. Doc says this sometimes happens when you start on cipramil so it may just pass with the other symptoms. I'm going to do a self guided visualization tonight to see if that helps me to let go. I might go on a holiday to quiet rainforest. I'll play my rain CD. Let you know how it goes.
for 21 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I am new to this group, but I noticed your ? about celexa. I started on Zoloft last November (after many tries at handling PA's on my own, books, tapes etc)It helped me tremendously but a side effect I couldn't tolerate was weight gain(20lbs) My doc switched me over to paxil, which still has kept the PA's away but I'm still problematic with the weight gain. I found a list of meds used for depression-panic-anxiety(www.psycom.net)and it lists Celexa as an antidepressant without including it as antianxiety/antipanic. Something for you to check into. I am trying to research antipanic drugs without the weight gain side effect. But I would still choose the weight over the panic. My life has been much better since I started medication and believe me, it was a struggle to accept the idea. I am extremely allergic to many drugs (anaphylactic reactions) so it was a tough choice. I also noticed that many people included in their response the use of advil/tylenol. I recently read something that stated that these drugs trigger and or exasorbate panic attacks....something else to look into. I hope this added some thought for you. Good Luck and I hope you feel better soon.
for 21 år siden 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey! You are doing great. You know what you seem to have that really helps? A GREAT sense of humor. That will get you through alot that people lacking one will have a tougher time with. Great news on the "soothing sounds" Let me know how they work out. I love mine. I drop off to sleep in about 5 minutes with those things playing. One day I will put them on during the day just to see what the whole thing sounds like! Hahaha Remember not to crack open that can of Whoopass by accident when preparing dinner. :) Mike

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