I too was worried about the addictive nature of Xanax. I work at a hospital, so I read up on it before I started taking it and had a conversation with both my family doctor and physchiatrist. They both felt that since I have never smoked, used illicit drugs or been drunk in my life that i was pretty low risk for addiction. I have no doubts I will have some fears when I try to give them up, but they have freed me in a way that nothing else could - I finally feel like myself again. I found that with the regular Xanax, I was on a roller coaster with my moods and just when I felt "up" I was down again. I take only .5 mg of the Xanax extended release in a 24 hour period, so I feel comfortable with it. Don't short change yourself. If you can get relief, get your life and your confidence back, then back off the Xanax gradually (which is a must!) you can do it too! Take care,