I'd like to share two practical things with you that may or may not apply to you, but that may be useful for others reading this thread.
[*]The first is that I developed a trick for myself to swallow big pills. (I had trouble swallowing large antibiotics) I don't suggest you try this on big stuff, but try it with a little applesauce or even water to see if it will work for you:
Don't fill your mouth, but take about a teaspoonful of water. Hold it in your mouth. Press your tongue against the back of your upper teeth. Swallow. It worked for me. Hope it helps someone out there.
[*]The second item is that if anyone reading this has dentures and doesn't remove them overnight to soak them, an infection can set in that can greatly affect a person's ability to swallow. A chronic infection can develop under the dentures and it could also affect one's voice. So remove them completely, soak them, brush your mouth, tongue, gums, gargle, rinse, and leave those dentures out for a while each and every day.