I have read through some of the posts and realize that I may not be alone on my fear of swallowing either. I posted an "Introduce Myself," post, a week or so ago, and talked about my fear of drinking since I had choked on a Coke, and it went down my windpipe. I have had this fear about the last 14 and a half to 15 years, and these episodes have happened before, but I guess I was able to deal with it. My problem is that I think of the fear of drinking anything all the time, which also makes me depressed...Mike, please read this. I have gotten to where I can eat a little bit, and I have gotten milkshakes, which I fear them as well. My situation is kind of like Mike's, when he goes to swallow food, he panics, well, I am like that except my fear is the liquid. Well, I was in the store, yesterday, and I picked up some Minute Maid Frozen Juice Bars, and Tropicana Orange Juice Bars. I believe that these are beverages that you can "eat" as the juice bars are 90% juice with frozen ice concocted in a push-up bar. I have "eaten" about 5 or 6 of those and a couple of the orange juice bars, as hopefully seeing that these are "liquids", that I need to have. The juice bars come in Cherry, Grape, and Orange, and are filled with Vitamin C. The orange juice bars are frozen orange juice on a stick, and are also very good. Please, I just need some advice. Does eating the juice bars sound like a step in the right direction? I am trying to help myself but I just don't know how, and buying these "juice" products, hopefully are good. I am still scared to drink anything, but the juice packs, frozen and all, I can seem to get down, and they supply a full day's supply of Vitamin C. I guess I sound crazy, but please offer me some advice. Thanks