Hi gotaquestion,
I have never been on Paxil but I was on Zoloft for years and I think they are in the same family? If you wean yourself slowly, at least for me, there were no withdrawls whatsoever. Now I mean really WEAN. My doc said to me (I was on 50 mgs a day) "Ok, take half for a week then stop." I read a book and heard a radio program on how wrong that was especially for someone who had been taking as long as I had. This author said to slowly shave the pills which I did. I mean literally shave with a razor. I wish I remembered the book title. It wasn't specific at how much but it just made sense that as much as I wanted to STOP now, I had to do it over a period of a couple of months in order to not feel any withdrawl. So I would say each week, I shaved a little more than the last, till I was down to about and 8th of the pill and started forgetting to take at all and the third time I had forgotten for two days, decided to stop. Just letting you know what I was told and what I learned on my own. Start by seeing what your doctor says. I know all agree, you don't just stop.
Good luck.