Dear Wannabeme,
I think you're absolutly right ! Baby steps and whatever works for you ! If it's taking lavender baths, or long walks, or CBT therapy , or meds...whatever works for you ! I always carry a bottle of cold water with me so when my troat gets tight and I feel like I'am going to choke...I take a sip of water and then I know that if I can swallow ...then I can take a breath. Funny how my mind works ! I also carry in my purse a bunch a pills ha ! I have Xanax, for emergencies. I have Pepto Bismol in case I get a feel nausea. Sometimes, just the thought of having a panic attacks makes me feel sick to my stomach. Other times, I just don't eat right ( I eat junk) and then I really feel if I have my Pepto Bismol...I know it's sounds silly. It's like I'am playing tricks with my mind ! Like, I'll get it before it gets me ! My therapist also gave me a little trick that seems to work for me...he says that when I feel nervous and anxious...I should concentrate on how my feet feel at the time. It's weird...I guess it's just to take me mind off of my panic feelings. He also says to try to stay focused on dealing with right now, the moment and to live in the present . Sometimes, I tend to worry too much about what's going to happen later on.
My last therapy sessions lasted 3 full hours...Boy's was I tired after that ! I had a great night sleep that night !
Lavic ;)