Hi, Debra,
I have been reading your posts and am so glad you finally got to see your new therapist. I am assuming that beacuse it was your first visit, that he ia new for you - you do not know him.. You two will develop a relationship thru your sessions, and I only hope that you can have the kind of rapport that my PhD and I have. When I first started treatment I was recovering from my 3rd spine surgery, and was really not feeling well. he made the suggestion about the day planner, and making a list. He has been instrumental for the opportunitiy I enjoy of getting excellent medical care. He is in my corner, has written many a letter on my behalf, and is enjoying my remarkable recovery. I have been seeing him for 7 years. Boy, time surely flies, when you are having fun!
I also make a list of things that are pressing at the time. I have a medical condition that needs to be attended to and he helps me take direction in the management of my medical care. I am in charge of all my treatments, meds, tests and therapies. At this time, it is a good idea to do this, as doctos are busy, spend not enough time with each patient, and in no way can they remember everything about each one that they see. It is as though they have a "production line" running thru their offices. How could they ever keep track of "everybody's everything"?
What I do is have a day planner, and in this book I list all my meds, when I take them, the dosage, and who prescribed the drug. In addition,I keep my journal postings, and my list of questions and concerns for the next visit. I also list my drs appointments. It also has a section to keep business cards. This book is invaluable, as you have everything in one place.
I am reading a book, as we speak, called "I Can't Get Over It" A Handbook For Trauma Survivors,Second Edition, by Aphrodite Matsakis, PhD. It is a workbook, and it touches on the many facets of PTSD. I cannot begin to list the many causes of PTSD and the treatments thereof. It explains the nature of PTSD and describes the healing process. While most trauma survivors believe they 'can't get over it,'the use of this book, along with appropriate therapy, could certainly assist sufferers on a healing journey. This is not the only workbook I am using. I've got several ot