Hi, Debra, how are you feeling today?
I do not believe in "Walking". I do not know where Maria got that one. Do not leave your job over a differwnce of opinion, or because you have "stage fright", and fear to express yourself. Try to visualize yourself as a positive person who can and will answer, discuss any and all problems as they aise.
Did you go to bookstore and look for a workbook by Edmund Bourne? You need to be pro-active and take the necessary steps to help yourself.
I used to be like you, and after working on myself, found that I was equal, if not better that the people I was dealing with.
There are exercises for what we have. It can be easily overcome if we make and take the time to do it.
You must think positive, and at home, work on yourself.
It is not going to work if you think it won't.
You are what you think you are. You can be what you think you can be.
Do not listen to people who tell you to walk away,, run, leave, etc. That is a negative reaction, and will not help you. What can I do for myself? You need to look in the mirror and rehearse what you want to say, over and over 'til you get it right, feel confident enought to say it face to face.
What else can I do? You must go to bookstore, library, and get books and read everything you can get your hands on about this subject. You need to understand that you are not alone. If you read the back posts, you would have come across a list with famous people on it. It would amaze you ! Look for it. Some famous actors on the list .
You must try to believe that you are as good, if not better than the people you come in contact with. Stop feeling sorry or insecure.When our self-esteem is low..we must look for ways to boost it. Panic disorder and anxiety syndromes do this..it is not your fault. If you can just do one thing and succeed, this will built your self-esteem by accomplishment and you will get a snow-ball effect.
Please believe I am speaking from my own experience.
And lastly, stay away from all negative things and people. If you have to rearrange your home to feel better ..do it. I did. I got rid of all vestiges , remnants of something that brought me down.
You must take that first giant step in the right direction, so that we can help you from there.
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