I am sorry I didn't answer this sooner, but I was nt feeling well.
I freaked out in a store, but it was a Gran Mal Seizure. They put me on meds and did a lot of testing, and never did find a reason for it. I have my own ideas..but they are not within the confines ok the science of meedicine. At the time, my husband was being his very abusive, nasty, ugly, ahcholic self. I think there is just so much one can take before exploding..and that seizure wass me exploding. The drs pooh-poohed it telling me I was wrong, that that can't happen from abuse, but I think they are not up to date on causes.
Oh, how I hate abuse, and if someone even talks nasty to me..I shy away. I am sensitive as we all are, but the difference is, I won't stay and fight..I back off.
Have you had any abusive relationships?
This message was edited by am on 1-27-02 @ 11:39 PM