i will try to learn to respect myself, but that just sounds so weird saying like thats not me? why wouldnt i respect myself? do i really come off that way? i mean how did i get this far, this bad? i know one thing for sure and thats lifes to short to spend it like this, but its the lack of i guess its self respect to stand up for myself. and i know if i state my opinion or contradict anything he says it will only end in worse heart ache for me. he makes everything out to be my fault. for example, last night i only got about 4 hours of sleep last night. we watched a movie together (which i found out he only does out of pitty and just so i dont b**** about him playing his game all the time. he thinks that by watching a movie together will satisfy my need for emotional, physical,and overall needs that you generally get from a normal relationship in a 2 hour long movie where we dont speak.)anyway 3/4 into the movie we end up falling to sleep together which is the greatest feeling because he just holds me and i rest my head on him and its just nice, but rare. well i woke up and the movie was over and it was already midnight and i had to be at work at 7:00am, so i try and get him to come to bed, but hes not budging, so i leave him and go to bed. about 30 min goes by and he comes to bed. he tosses and turns and wakes me up saying he cant sleep, so i rub his back and do all the things i know will make him sleepy until i am just falling asleep myself and just as i dose off he gets up and says will it bother you if i get on the computer? he knows it does because it is right next to the bed and its so bright and so loud i cant sleep, so i tell him it will. so he does it anyway, by this time i am furious. i try to go to sleep but cant so i then ask him if he heard what i had said thinking that maybe he just didint hear. his response is, "you sure can be b****hy sometimes." this outrages me more than anything when he referes to me as a b****. all i wanted to do was sleep. mondays are the most busiest days for me at work and he knows that, yet he doesnt mind keeping me up till 3:30 in the morning. and i am the b****hy one how does that work out will someone please explain? i just dont get it no matter what the circumstance he is always never in the wrong and i am always th