Hey Barbara,
Please don't ever think you'd contaminate anyone or anything of that sort. We're all here to support one another. Isn't that the whole point of this site? If you don't feel like posting but want to just talk or whatever you need, you're always welcome to email me.
I'm still having my ups and downs. Some days I'm feeling somewhat normal. Other days, I just want to sleep all day and just hope I won't wake up. But no matter what, as bad as I feel at times, I know God is with me. And He's taking care of me. It's just a matter of how much and how hard I'd fight for it. The devil is always on the prowl. ^_^ Keep fight Barbara, don't let the devil win.
My trip was.. not what I expected. I think I was feeling worse when I was there. Seeing things I didn't want to see. Don't get me wrong. I was really happy to see my friends and making new ones as well. I wasn't exactly home sick. But I didn't really want to be there either. Does that make any sense? haha.. Anyway, it was an interesting experience. And I'm trying harder to make changes in my life which I think would benefit me and only me. I was always so concerned about what others wanted and felt obligated to do so even if it meant hurting myself emotionally. Now I'm slowly trying do things so that I'd put myself first.
Cassy is doing great! I call him Cassy which is short of Casanova. hehe... I think getting Cassy was a really good decision. It's weird and probably hard for some people to understand but having Cassy somehow comforts me. He's getting spoiled though. Will only eat expensive food. haha... And I think he recognizes me. He comes to me when I show my face around the bowl and kind of follows me around when I move to get a better look at his fins.
Look.. I've babbled on and on again. ^_^ Anyway, it's really great hearing from you again Barbara. And again.. Please don't EVER feel like you'll bring any of us down or any of that sort!!!! Now only if we'd hear from Kitn.. -_-; I hope she's doing ok.