I started to send Pam a little note about this and then got distracted....but here I am back cause I worry about Pam sometimes :)
A couple weeks ago, I picked up a girlfriend to run some errands...she slipped into the car and had an unlit cigarette in one hand and a lighter in the other....she looked at me and I shook my head nope....she sighed and just laid that cig in the pen holder behind the cup holder that is in the floorboard. We went about our business and later I dropped her off and went home....
Next mornin....reach for my coffee mug in it's holder....there's that smoke...just layin there. Naked, white cylinder, almost glowing in the early morning light. I grab the cup and get on with my day. Now don't ask me why, but I just kept letting that damned thing lay there...day after day.....it got to where everytime I got in the car my eye went to that one, lonely, unlit smoke....just layin there, silent and white.....as the days added up, it became like some sort of silent taunt. Somewhere in the depths of my mind a question began to arise....."why??".....why was I letting that nice, white, pristine smoke lay there right in front of me? Part of me said, well, my girlfriend is a conservative, tight as the bark on a tree sort of person, that will demand to know just WHERE that cigarette went the next time she climbs in your car. (smoking is somewhat of an issue between us...she claims to be proud of me that I quit, but insists that she LOVES to smoke and will NOT quit! :confuse: ) Another part of me said, come on! That is NOT YOU! a stupid unlit smoke is being tolerated in your car...laying in front of you morning after morning....you can look at it and know what it would smell like when it was lit. You "feel" that smell! after almost FIVE years, you know what it would feel like between your fingers!
What earthly harm is one lone pristine cigarette?? Tell me?? What could that one slender 4" long inantimate object possibly DO to me?? Suddenly it was like the moment when I started my quit....I was mad as hell....WHAT was I doing letting that thing stay in my car??? No, I wasn't going to smoke it....absolutely not....I didn't WANT to smoke it and I KNEW I wouldn't....but when it stared at me every time I got in the car it
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 5960
Hours: 17
Minutes: 36
Seconds: 32
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked