Ok, I'm much calmer now! I lay down for half an hour and listened to a relaxation tape. I called up to my nan for some yummy irish stew, my nan and my great aunt smoke so much and you would never really see them without a cig in their hand. I can't avoid my nan during my quit, not even for a few days so I had an idea and I let the dog jump into the back seat of the car and I arrived up there with my dog in tow which proved to be a great idea. Honey (dog) was a distraction and I found that it felt supportive to have her there and I didn't think of cigs that much while I was there. I told my nan that I had a bad day and I was feeling a bit stressed and it helped even just to talk about it so I'm home now and its nearly bedtime! I'm glad that I have these days behind me now so I know that although they are tough, they are do-able!
I've been on and off this site for about 2-3 years and I've seen so many threads called aaarrrgghh, and I never got it till today! That was the only word I could find to describe how I was feeling, you'd see it in movies where the guy/girl runs to the top of a mountain in the pouring rain and just screams at the top of their lungs. If I could have, I would have today!
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 855 Hours: 22
Minutes: 16 Seconds: 14
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked