My name is DJ. I registered a while ago but have been sitting on the sidelines reading some of the discussions and looking at the program. I can't seem to get very far with the program but it looks like it is very well done and could be very helpful. I'm in my 40's and have been married to a wonderful man for 25 years. He is very supportive of anything I do and helps me where he can. We have 2 amazing children, well, young adults now, who are really good friends! They have always gotten along and have hardly fought for which I am so thankful. I couldn't handle a fighting or arguing household! As someone has stated in previous discussions....I couldn't figure out why do I feel this way if everything in my life is great. A super husband, great kids, we both have very good jobs and we are all healthy. I've been battling depression for a number of years but the last ten years have been really bad and it just seems to get worse as the time goes by. I decided to get some medical help when all I could think about was suicide and that thought wouldn't go away. I've been on a number of different medications and it is so frustrating that I still have terrible thoughts. I have actually resorted to hurting myself as that seems to give me some relief for a short period. I really don't understand why someone would do that to themselves or why those kinds of thoughts would even cross a persons mind. But believe me they do and sometimes it's very difficult to fight off the thoughts.
Hope you are having a good day!