Hi Ashley. I think the main problem with not getting ahead with my goals was that I didn't prioritize them. I got overwhelmed reading all the steps I needed to conclude in order to reach my goals that I didn't know where to start. I actually worked on some steps but I didn't have a view of the big picture of how I was going.
This week I am doing an experience. I added to each step a partial date to conclude the tasks to work on and in this way it was possible to prioritize my goals. I also do not want to make the mistake of over planning (as I did in the past).
Thank you for your helpful program suggestions. I will be sure to pass them along.
It's a great skill you have to be able to self evaluate what you are doing well at and what you still need to work on. How will you work on your goals moving forward? What do you think held you back from working more on your goals?
Whenever is possible I try to write thought records just after the change in mood. Keeping writing thought records has enable me to have a better understand of the connection between my thoughts, feelings and behaviors. I have identified many types of cognitive distortions in my thinking: focus on the negative, overgeneralization, all-or-none thinking, catastrophizing, emotional reasoning, predicting the future and mind reading. My most frequent cognitive distortion is predicting the future because most of the time I think things will turn badly and never expect that a situation will get resolved. A problem for me is a situation that will have no solution and this is frustrating. Hopefully as I get better writing thought records, I am switching my thinking from negative to positive, but I understand this takes some time as my cognitive distortion are with me for a long time.
I had difficulties in understanding what type of cognitive distortions corresponded to each thought. Here the program could be improved to give a better explanation of each cognitive distortion and.with more examples. Sometimes it gets confused. I had to search on the Internet for more clarifications about cognitive distortions. Now I have a better grasp on it but it takes some practice.
One of the things that I did during session 4 was updating and developing (planning) my goals. I didn't work as much as I wanted in my goals (acting) and I know this is one area that I need to improve. On the other hand, I am getting better in scheduling and doing pleasant activities which is good.
I am glad you find it helpful. I am also glad you recognize that it will take a lot of work. This is a realistic point of view and it will help you to remember this if you ever start to feel overwhelmed with the program content.
I'm finished with Session 4 and I have to say that the Thought Records homework (I'm on ABCD so far) has been very enlightening and most helpful. I had no idea I was doing that much negative thinking, I very often do most of the cognitive distortions, and is pretty great to put everything into writing because just reading back on it makes me realise how untrue and sweeping are some of those statements... lots of work to do still of course, this is just the beginning ,but is very comforting to know that this is the first step on learning how to change my thinking!!
So grateful for this program, thanks so much Depression Center and staff :)
So, I blasted through the other sections because there wasn't much for me there. Then I hit section 4 and it a place where I need a lot of work.
The cognitive distortions have really hung me up. I had no idea I was doing so many of them.
I've picked a couple things up from the thought records. I've noticed that a couple things I do always lead to difficult emotions. Learning about this link has been helpful and has lead to a change in behavior. Why should I keep doing something if it hurts so much???
I'm going to spend more time on this section because I think it has a lot to offer me on my journey.
I agree with you, Goofy, about the negative thoughts. They just seem to spring into the mind automatically and it seems to take a lot of effort to think about, analyze and restructure thoughts in your mind to see them as positive.
I've got to say I'm impressed that you've even entered into a relationship because that's something I can't even see for myself in the future. Seems he's understanding with you. I'm sure you've talked at length with him about your depression. You go for it, Girl!!!
Gratitude is helpful for me too. I also get into the shoulda coulda woulda. My therapist told me once when you say "shoulda, woulda, coulda" you get "shoulda" all over ya. lol, I can so relate to having "shoulda" all over me.
I also know i get very insecure in my relationship with my "boyfriend" for lack of better term. If things change even the slightest I start thinking - negative thoughts. I'm working very hard on that. Sometimes I get the negative thought, it was too early to start a relationship - too complicated, too stressful, too insecure. ect. I'm working on that. Any suggesttions? It is basically me reading into things, things that aren't there.
It is hard to make the change over to the positive side when you used to the negative. Walking has opened a few doors for me. I tend to do most of thinking and organizing on my walk and leave the last 15 minutes for free mind time. Someone once pointed out "at the end of your day, name 10 things that you are thankful for"
Actually hit me square in the head and i do this every nite, it leaves me with a positive vibe!
Kitty: The thought record is really something you should do. Before I came to DC, a counselor that I was seeing gave me a copy and we talked about it and I used it for a while. It does help, but with everything else, you have to continue doing it until your thought processes actually change from the negative thoughts to the positive thoughts. I'm still working on keeping up with that. It's so easy to let it go by the wayside....