Thanks to Davit, digging a simple small shallow ditch stopped the leaking of water into from a bean lattice. I dug in opposite to the side of the pathway. In the fall, the edging can be replaced.
This is the second time I have got too much sun. Not a nice feeling. Be careful out there, it is too easy to do. Tomorrow I will try to work earlier. Still in the thirties at my place, that is too hot for me. I will try to move some sprinklers too so I don't have to hand water so much. The heat is good for the garden, with it and water the onions are bigger than they got last year. I hope the potatoes are doing as well. No rain till Saturday. I won't be able to keep up with the Raspberries.
Went to bed early yesterday so I could get up early. It is going to be another very hot day. In a few hours it will be too hot to do much but water flower beds. I have to work at not being sad and find a positive. Maybe I'll get the tiller running today, the garage faces North and is always cool. I can always pick some berries. I used to go up the mountain for the blue berries but find it hard now. So I'll settle for my raspberries.
The bush in my Avatar is an Elderberry It will have black berries that make very good jelly. At one time they were used to add tannin to red wine and banned in Portugal because of that.
The rest of the plant is poisonous. Only the flowers and berries are not.
Something I wanted to post for a while. Gardening can be a source of happiness or a source of sorrow. Plants like Monks Hood and Delphiniums have lovely spikes of flowers and you may want to bring them in. All parts of these and many other common flowers are poisonous. You can wear gloves but what about your tools. Do you use the same shears to harvest garden plants and herbs. Do you wash the resins off first. Tiger lilly flowers are sweet and safe to eat but other similar sounding plants are poisonous. Know your plants and be careful. Some plants are poisonous except for the fruit.
I bought a wasp canister of spray, but would like to check the old one, using tops from other sprays. I figure it's really expensive, given it costs so much, but is only used a couple of times.
I was tying up more reflective CD's around the pole bean lattice, but the smoke from a neighbour's bbq was bothering me, so I went back indoors. 5 CD's took forever to tie using this thin fishing wire, since my hands are so stiff and large.
If I can not find some shade to work in today I may have to find something to do inside. It is supposed to be raining but there is not a cloud in the sky and already it is hot. I have to quickly water the asparagus that I was too tired to water last night. Basil is springing back very well after it's cutting and I will go collect the oregano to dry. I noticed yesterday that there are green tomatoes coming on the plants. Robins ate the strawberries, I never got a single one. Raspberries are turning red in a hurry too now. Morgan will pick some but still I won't be able to keep up. I also have to quickly check to see if the pole beans are growing up the TeePees where they belong.
It is going to be a nice day no matter what I do. There is a breeze so I can sit outside in the shade of an apple tree for a while.
Hugs because of a large wasp nest right above the Hansa I never dead headed it and it quit producing flowers. The little roses are still though, no wasps near them.
Following a rainstorm, I secured the wonderful Phlox, as well as some tomatoes, and did some deadheading of roses.
There was a great feeling of confidence I felt, when I wrapped my arms around the phlox to tie them up. That feeling of confidence was something symbolic as I try to get my head around things, and finally get to a logical, or expected point. I can't say I arrived at that point with a contractor after his looking coming to our home to give me an assessment, before an assessment. I had terrible headache, after many days, and I didn't feel I gave the impression I was prepared, since I could have chosen materials.
I had to be careful near the thorny roses, since I had bare arms, and only one glove so I could keep an agile hand for tying knots.
Tractors are working again but now it is far too hot to water but not too hot to sit in the shade with my tea. I will go to town for more movies and water this evening. My stray cat has discarded me for Morgan who feeds him tuna. Last time I saw him he was laying in the flower bed pulling the flowers off the petunias.
Lemon Balm is dry so it is time to cut the Oregano again. Thyme is still drying. Lemon Balm and Lavender I put in the flower bed are doing good. Rosemary that isn't supposed to transplant is doing well. Some plants that were doing poorly have picked up since I cut back the plants that were crowding them. There are people here in the valley that are determined to make poor hay despite the good weather. They could use a little CBT. Their thought patterns are definitely skewed. Well it is their life right.
Everything is going okay which is giving me a big boost of accomplishment and helping with my negative core beliefs.