Took my wife to chemo today What a depressing sight. All these people with i v bottles pouring into their veins. I watched mt wife do it for four hours. How do you overcome your work anxiety it might help me with mine?
I have bad days at work all the time. I get worried every night before work about work.. I ahve had to leave sometimes coz it gets to bad...What time is it there? We can chat if you fel down
I am feeling ok. for some reason I am down tonight.
I guess its a combination of my wifes cancer and having to go back to schoo in a litle over a week. However I have to face it. Do you ever have bad days at work and almost hateit?
I know how you feel sometimes . With my wifes cancer I woorry about how I would feel if I had cancer.I keep thinking about and thinking about. Pretty soon I think every mark on me is acancerous lesion. So I force myself not to think about it. Later it goes away We are prisoners of our own thoughts .If we think about it long enough we will beleive it. No matter what the malody. Councelors call it self full filling Prophecy. In other words you can talk your self into a heart attack if you think about it long enough. Does that make sence?
I normally have on think and then I think about that for weeks then it changes. A few weeks ago it was my heart not its my brain. ??? I am work now. Its only midday here.
How did your day go today? Did work go ok. Your mind can play all kind of tricks on particularly if you had A bad day. an example if I twist my ankle when running. I stay off it for a week. when I run again my mind and leg will push to see if pain is their. Once my mind does not feel any pain it will back off thinking about it.Does that make sence?
Donna Why do you think you have a brain tumor. I used to work in the medical core when I was in the military. I saw a lot of people with brain tumors. The characteristics are: First severe headaches over several weeks.Second dizziness or short blackout spells .severe vision problems for an extended period of time.Anxiety attacks can mimick some of these symptoms. Anxiety attacks usually last 30 minutes. What you are having is an anxiety attack. Your mind is playing tricks on you does that make sence?
I only have to travel about 10 min but thats enough..I keep read the internet and thinking I ahve a brain tumor. I know I should not do that but I can't help it.
I keep having a sharp pain in the siad of my head it only last for about 5 seconds and it freaks me out. So this moring I look it up on the web and it comes back to brain tumor.