I just want you to know that all the extra work as you call it becomes subconscious and your life will level out. If you look at the panic triangle you will see that if you put enough positive stuff in your thought memory you will have positive thoughts to every situation and with time the negative ones get buried in your memory. It is only when the thought corner of the triangle pulls up something negative that it slows to keep looking and then it becomes obvious to you. If it keeps hitting positive memories to use you will pass right by it to reaction without noticing it. Unless it is something spectacular like a sunset in which case the positive will keep circling around the triangle till you have had enough. And in so doing it is filling up your thought memory with positives.
This is rather complicated and hard to understand for most people. It isn't necessary to understand either. All you need to know is that if you look for something positive in every situation it will give you the skills to deal with every negative situation because when your memory can't find a thought for a situation it uses one that is associated or close. So you want them to be positive. Happy breeds happy. Sad breeds sad. ETC.
Thank you all for your encouraging words. I do find that just being here, having this "safe haven" if you will, is help in and of itself. I have been working the exercises and for the most part I have been successful in not having to be completely aware of just "being", but every now and again I start to reflect on what life was like without all this extra "work" and I start to feel resentful. I like to think this is just part of overcoming and gaining ground with a solid stance, but only time will tell.
The fact that I feel down n out about it all almost works as a motivating factor, cuz I'm just fed up! I will say that since starting CBT my worst now is nothing like it was before, and I've been really good about not drinking excessively, which was how I was self-medicating before, and Seredyn has been a helpful additive. So with that said I hope all is well with you all, and thanks again for your support!
Predisposition in this case would be a tendency towards certain thought patterns rather than a physical deficiency like a predisposition to Arthritis or Diabetes.
I would think if it was a physical thing it would be a predisposition to not produce or be able to use necessary brain chemicals. These can be adjusted by the use of SSRIs, TCAs or sometimes in my case something as simple as Calcium.
If it is thought then that can be changed with CBT.
Hi Layne... I too believe I am genetically predisposed to anxiety and depression as there is long history in my family. Accepting that it will always be a concern for me... has actually made it easier to cope. I have learned to manage the anxiety and depression to where I often don't even have to think about how to live in a healthy way (it just happens automatically), but I also know that symptoms will get out of control from time to time.
Like Sunny, when the symptoms do reappear, I go back to special care of myself until things calm down. The CBT program offered on this site is a wonderful anchor when things get rough... just reading the information is calming now. The reminders to breathe and do the progressive relaxation exercises are the first things I go to. Once I do calm down... I review what happened and make any necessary changes to my coping plan so next time (knowing there WILL be a next time) will be even shorter and less intense and not scare me so darn much!. So far, this approach is helping and I feel more confident in myself and my future.
Keep coming. Keep reading. Keep posting your concerns, fears, rants, hopes.... anything... it helps to write it down... and it helps to have support of others who understand.
Hi Layne 76: I hear you about the genetic makeup. Both my maternal grandmother and my mother have had some form of anxiety disorder. I believe it made me predisposed to getting it also. However, there is hope. I no longer have panic attacks. This CBT has helped me enormously in understanding myself and how I work. They never had this to study and follow. I am so grateful I found it. Don't give up hope, we may get setbacks every now and then, but even those without this anxiety/stress feel they need to take a break every now and again too. When I'm getting symptoms again, I go right back to listening to my relaxation and meditation tapes (yes, they are old, not CDs, but they work for me) every single day, morning and night before bed if need be. I pamper myself again for awhile, good food, good sleep, and I limit outside activities which may overstimulate or tire me out. It gets me back on track, taking care of myself.
As relieved as I am to be able to relate to what's posted on the forums and utilize the other tools this site offers, when I find myself on this rollercoaster effect it's really very discouraging. I start to feel like if I'm doing what seems to be the necessary requirements and still experience these setbacks then maybe it'll never go away, especially since it's only seemed to be getting progressively worse over the years. Especially learning that my moms grandmother suffered from Agoraphobia/Panic Disorder, like it's in my genetic make-up, I'm destined to deal with this forever! I'm just hoping that old adage "what doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger" plays true to form. :/
Hello ashepp3. I understand how you are feeling right now and I must confess that have been through the same symptoms. It is like a roller coaster with the downs discouraging us. We must remember that this battle is to be won with more then one step and with some setbacks along the way. You should also consult your doctor and talk about how you are feeling.
I think it is okay if they get a little sad and you should not feel guilty if you explane to them that you do know what you are doing to get better and that you have the tools so it will not be for ever. You could also explane that people like me and sunny were just like you and aren't anymore. You will get better. You need time and they need patience. They just need to know you will get better. This is a very curable thing.
Davit. (who also has family that doesn't understand)
Thanks Davit. I've been trying to talk about it with my boyfriend and family but that causes me some guilt because I feel like I'm bringing them down. I actually specifically asked my dad if it brings him down when I talk about feeling depressed and he said that it did because he worries, and I know it brings my boyfriend down too. So now I'm feeling a bit guilty on top of everything.