Dear Gina, Probably when you turned your head that made you a little dizzy, that goes away quickly, when you hear the "fizzing" stop turn over and drain your ear, I would never tell you to do that were it not safe, I have been doing to it my little boy for years, and all the Moms in the area do it and they love it, twice a day should help, along with the z-pack you should be healed in no time, I am glad you took the xanax that will calm you, sleep is the best thing right now it restores your immune system and heals your quicker. Can you call in sick tomm? is that possible or no? I thought a day just sleeping and resting while the little one is in school would help, I even gargle with peroxide believe it or not, I dilute it, gargle, and then gargle like 10 times with water to get rid of the taste, it cleared up my sore throat overnight, I just do that through I do not do it with my son I don't want him to swallow it it would not hurt to swallow a little but I think he is too young for that, my husband always uses peroxide in his ears too. I just asked the blessed Virgin MOther, I have my candle lit for us, to calm you, help you, heal you and help you sleep, she will never let us down! I am here for you, its going to be alright. Debbie.