Hi everyone! I'm a new member here, and I think I feel a little relieved that I can find some people other than physicians who may be able to understand my situation. This may be a very long post, but I have a lot to say.
About four months ago I was away at college (I'm 18 years old, btw), sitting in my dorm room, when I began to feel a pain in my shoulder and my chest. I went to the internet looking for some answers, fearing something terrible. I found a list of symptoms of a heart attack, and I then had what I now believe was a panic attack. My chest pain grew, my breath went short, I started to feel a surge of heat (no sweating, however), and I felt like I was going to die. Of course, at the time I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the emergency room. They did an ekg, an x-ray, and some bloodwork, and released me with a diagnosis of atypical chest pain. I felt fine again until a few days later, when I had a duller chest pain and some shortness of breath again. I went back to the hospital, and again they found nothing wrong. The doctor diagnosed that I was suffering from acid-reflux disease, and perscribed Prilosec. And wouldn't you know it, I felt fine until I went back home over a month later.
However, when I got back home for the summer, the dull chest discomfort returned, and it never goes away now. Occasionally I become short of breath, and I get several other different symptoms. I occasionally get pains in either shoulder, elbow, or hand, which are either sharp or dull, and go away after a few minutes. I get numbness or tingling in my hands. As I said, I always have a discomforting feeling in my chest. I tend to feel a little "wobbly" or "unsteady," in that my legs sometimes feel a little heavy and I don't quite feel right when I'm walking (I don't really know how to describe this symptom very well). I get numb feelings in my jaw and my face. I often develop a small "tick," where a small part of my arms or legs will pulse up and down as if it were twitching. This goes away momentarily. I know I'm probably forgetting a lot of things, but I've felt several different things in the past few months, espacially this summer. I've been to the emergency room once this summer, a couple months ago, and they once again said nothing was wrong with