I have a book titled 'Prescription for Nutritional Healing' that says calcium and magnesium are very important to take if you have anxiety/panic disorder. For calcium, the recommended amount is 2,000 mg. daily. Calcium works as a natural tranquilizer. For magnesium, the amount is 600-1,000 mg. daily. Magnesium helps relieve anxiety, tension, nervousness, muscular spasms, and tics. It is best taken with calcium. You should check to see if you have an iron deficiency, as this can increase the risk of panic attacks. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that protects the heart, and people with this disorder have been found to have low selenium levels. B complex vitamins are recommended...5,000-10,000mg of vitamin c can have a tranquilizing effect...vitamin e and zinc are good too. This stuff is pretty much from the book. I've been taking all of these and watching my diet for awhile now. Of course I'm also on Paxil and Klonopin, but the supplements and a good diet can't hurt! Hope this helps.