Hi Miss,
First there are a couple of things you could rule out on your own before seeking another doctor. Reason I say this, is because the dizzy episodes are happening at home, if there was truly something wrong, it would be happening throughout all hours of the days, and not just at home. Are you taking any new medication over the counter, ie, cold medicine, sleep aids, etc, when you get home, or rather in the last two weeks, since this is when it started to become more chronic for you? Second, is there anyone that you can spend ONE night with, where you arent alone, and see if the episode happens. If you get no episodes, its anxiety relating to the thoughts that you are subconsciencely thinking, that once you enter the door or approach your house,the symptom flares up.
Also extreme dizziness, can be low blood pressure or high blood pressure, but it you have been seeing a doctor, they would have caught that earlier. Last, if none of these changes your episodes, and you just absolutely feel you need to see another doctor, only thing I can think of would be a neurologist.