Hey Cherry,
Thats funny, i'm the same way. Sometimes i feel like a secret agent or something, always scanning the room for exits, threats, etc.
I like your idea about spirit scents, any suggestions for good ones (like vineager???haha)
Its also been a while for me since my last major panic attack, however, unlike you, i have no desire to get off the meds!! I NEVER want to go through what i already have!
ALSO, i think its great that you make jokes about this, i do too, although i offten feel flippent. The fact is, neurotic people can be very funny, if you're one of them. Its no laughing matter during a panic attack, but laughing afterwards helps me, i think that its a more positive response rather than catastrophizing the experience. My last therapist shared something with me that i thought was funny. Ever seen an abandoned grocery cart in the store? Thats how you know someone has been there and had a panic attack. This is SO TRUE, abandon ship and escape with your life! (By the way, the shopping cart is a true story, he's had more people who admit to abandoning their carts in grocery stores than he can shake a stick at!) Now THAT'S funny. (Its b/c people panic about the length of lines, the crowds, high aisles, etc.)
Anyways, glad you are well!