Repetitive tasks are therapeutic. I can knit for hours, or paint a painting for hours. Some people buy long haired dogs or cats, so they can brush their coats for hours. If it's something you enjoy, the time fly's while you're doing it. You get in "the zone" and it's soothing.
I heard a journalist describe how his mom would spend hours washing a dish. Similarly, sometimes a thought will bother me, which isn't productive.
I wonder if I could transform that repeating, into something which would help me reach my goals. The way I would do it, is to use the repeating of aspects of the smaller goals, or objectives, towards the larger goal.
I certainly can identify with the repeating of the "washed" dish, since I've been plagued by negative repetitive behaviours, or at least unproductive thoughts, which undermine getting something done.
I wonder if others can identify with repeating something, like the parent washing the dish for hours