To be honest, based on the level of anxiety I experience as soon as I wake up and remaining throughout the day, my expectations aren't too high. Talking to people on this forum that had what i have and have gotten through it successfully would be helpful.
Thank you. I've worked through Session 1 and am keeping a daily anxiety tracker. i figure i'll give it a week before moving on to Session 2. I appreciate your taking time in replying to me.
Try not to jump right to the session on exposure. You will want to carefully do the homework for the first few sessions before working on exposure. In regards to your question you might want to check out the answer on CBT in the Questions to the Expert page. This will give some clarification on how to work with a constant anxious feeling.
Let us know what you find helpful and how you will apply it to your situation.
nicklesprout here, I wake up with anxiety every morning as soon as i wake up and it stays with me throughout the day frequently. i also have scrupulous / religious based thoughts. what kind of exposures can help this? any thoughts?