I'm going to get better "all-weather" shoes, and not worry as much. I'm just waiting for the new orthotics to be made.
I noticed with my parent, that she's particularly concerned about me, since she's dependent on me. I'm as concerned with her fear too. She'll place a rosary on the outside doorknob(she has a lot of them, obviously, for a reason!).
I don't know how to help her understand that she's safe?
Maybe, I even get more upset about her mood dropping than mine. But I guess I can't control her emotions, can I? I just feel sorry for her
I have this odd habit I'm not sure I wish to have. I check the weather constantly. An obnoxious work collegue suggested "old" people do this all the time.
What I don't like about this habit, is that I limit myself before allowing myself to experience life fully. On the other hand, I need to know if it will rain, so I can wear boots, since my shoes are leaky. And driving an automobile requires more caution on winter days.
Do you have habits which you'd like to change or break?