I wanted to let you know that I have had issues with an under-active thyroid (that I regulate with medication that has been extremely helpful. I don't like to take medications but this one has given me back my energy and keeps me from feeling like eating 24 hours a day so I like it). I also had an issue with my triglycerides that I was able to correct by changing my diet and increasing exercise. Sometimes we need to go on medication for a bit to get through a rough patch but it is always nice to have ways to do things on our own, isn't it.
Most of the woman in my family have lost their hair - I must take after my dad's side of the family because so far I haven't experienced hair loss but it won't surprise me if it does happen.
Hi Bren67: Yes, hair loss. My hair started thinning after surgery two summers ago. I was horrified when i took a shower and it seemed like handfulls were coming out! I did know that stressed caused this and I knew too about anaesthetic causing it. It has stopped but definitely it has thinned and I am careful with it as I like my hair shoulder length so you can wear it up or down. Anyway, let's hope it can be corrected in time with normal growth or at least stopped. Let me know what you find out. Also after pregnancy, women will find more hair loss.
Dr Oz, who still is close to Oprah Winfrey, did a segment on hair loss if you check his website.
What didn't surprise me was that stress and just manually pulling your hair will cause hair loss too.
With men we can just shave our heads now...but for women, unless you're Demi Moore or Sinead O'Connor(hard to believe Sinead's married and in the news - but maybe there's hope for me yet) with celebrity status and the cash go with it.
Thanks for being so vulnerable in a public place. It's inspiring to come here, since so many people are working so hard at life, it makes me want to wake up(but a later time, and usually after I beat the snooze button - gotta catch up on sleep after missing so much with an entire life working night shift mostly
I went to see my doctor again today,to find out about some test he ran last week...turns out my trigliserids are way to high,so he gave me a med to lower them,but i have such a fear of meds anyway,its been a bit anxious for me this evening,as i took the med with food at dinner time...That was at 5pm,and now its 8.30pm so i think iam ok....
Also,since my thyroid ipisode last march..my hair has gotten so thin,its begening to worry me....I know, its nain..but to a women..it can be devastating!
I am trying to keep my cool on this as ive been told it will come back,and i do have some baby hair coming in..but it is such a downer!