as you probably can imagine, it discouraged me to trust the doctors. It's been 3 years now since I've been to the doctors because I'm afraid that they won't give me the right treatment and I'm afraid they wont have answers and I'm agoraphobic.
In regards to any medical condition it is important to find a doctor and clinic that is the right fit for you. Ask questions and do your research. Remember you are in control of your own health.
I think it just may..but when things go wrong as sometimes they do I think that the so called medical professionals should step up to the plate and try to find ways to help their patients and not turn a deaf ear..There are many people out there who have gone through experimental treatments for illness that are having problems because of these treatments..both physically and mentally.
I really believe that it is time that the medical community starts to realize that they need to treat the whole patient...
When I was working in Hospice care a couple of decades ago we were trained to treat the whole patient..that there is both a physical and emotional side to their pain..We were there to support them in any way we could and to make the transition as comfortable as possible...and that included listening and really hearing what they are saying and how they are feeling....People really want and need to be heard...
Ok I guess I will get off my soap box for now, but this is a subject that I am very passionate about....Talk to you later.....
Thanks for replying Red. I can see that there is another "disadvantage" to having this condition instead of others, but I guess there is an acceptance period for illnesses, since this condition is relatively new...but doesn't "lemondropping" occur for every illness?
I belong to a large medical center and hospital that has the latest cutting edge medicine..They are also a learning and teaching hospital. They have developed some of the newest treatments for liver disease/cancer/ etc etc...One thing they don't have is a Psychiatric dept..and the doctors are not comfortable talking about psychiatric problems...
When I went on treatment for liver disease they said I needed a psych evual. before I could start treatment to save my life..
The drugs I took were very powerful cancer drugs and there was a high incidence of suicide/homicide/anxiety disorders/ and depression on these drugs not to mention all the physical side effects on every system in my body..these drugs actually attach themselves to your DNA..The evual. was part of their protocol for all patients starting treatment with these drugs...It took them forever to find a Psychiatrist to do my evual. and give me the ok to start treatment..He was to follow me for 6 months..
He was not a therapist so I had to undergo this treatment without any support or therapy...It was very hard and I am lucky to be alive today..I guess that is why I believe in a higher power and that anything it possible....
I could not understand and still do not understand how such a large medical center could not have a Psychiatric Dept and not have a single Psychiatrist on their staff....
There is really something wrong with the Health Care System here in the U.S. It can be very scary to say the least...
Yes, my urgent care doctor was not aware that there was withdrawal symptoms from SSRIs. He tried to prescribe me with motion sickness medication instead. I looked it up online and found a site posted by SSRI withdraw-ers who had the same symptoms as me.
I find that Nurses and Doctors are inadequately trained to deal with mental patients. The ones I have talked to say it is not in there training. There primary training is to spot life threatening situations and deal with them. Unfortunately the medical establishment does not allow them time to do this adequately. Not there fault really but frustrating still. This same establishment also hinders care in the mental establishment also unfortunately. Most I find are frustrated because they know no more than the person they are trying to help.
My solution was to train myself and find some one in the right field whose brain I could pick. And I lucked out and found some one. My last year in therapy was all about information gathering and little to do with me although the knowledge did help. You may find this interesting. About ten percent of the nurses I talked to have had some form of anxiety and/or panic. The number could be higher. Yet there is no training for it. They too go to there doctor and get prescribed rest and benzo's.
I am more compasionate to them now that I know this. But still it is frustrating.