Glad to hear that your visit with your physician went well and that you are feeling better today. Remember to keep working on the sessions of the program and completing the homework. The first step in
learning to challenge your panic symptoms, avoidance, and anxious
thoughts is to get to know as much about them as you possibly can. Monitor your panic attacks, avoidance, and anxious
thoughts. Keep careful records of your experiences using an Anxious
Thoughts Form, a Panic Attack Form and by entering the information in
your symptom tracker.
Members, how do you work on being prepared for your triggers?
I had told her all that was going on,and so she put me back on my normal harmone replacment,and i sure hope it will make a differance!
I truly believe my anxiety was triggerd by my pain,and adding more stress,was causing more anxiety ,and my harmones were out of i hope this addjusment will help me!