Am I to presume you mean you are going to block it with pills so you can get a break. This is fine you know. If it was a broken leg you would want to deaden the pain. I've had both you know. I'd take the broken leg over mental pain any day. And believe me it is easier to get away from the physical pain. So take a break and come back. It is not as bad as it looks right now. The program is 12 weeks but total recovery takes a long time and for some of us it is on going. For some, they have to recharge every so often. They take medication till they don't need to. The object is to get better, to be able to function. To be able to smile and have a pleasant life. If you lost a hand you would do every thing possible to still be able to use the arm. There is no difference. Except in this case the hand is not gone it just doesn't work right now. It will again.
I sound like a broken record but I know personally that this thing can be beat. I did it. I did it against a back ground of heart ache from Arthritis, Staph infection and two broken legs. I know how hopeless it can seem right now. One day at a time. Rehabilitation. One good day at a time. When you have one, hold tight to it and use it to remind you that with time they can be all like that. Not perfect mind you but anxiety free. And when they are perfect it is like a gift. Such a beautiful gift. You can never go back but with understanding, coping and relaxation skills and medication if you need it, life can be even better. And it will not always be this struggle.