I was feeling good for awhile but seem to be hitting a bump in the road. There have been a series of events ( my life seems like it is always crazy but I always could deal with it until last year)
My two sons were in a car accident in December ( neither were wearing seatbelts) My son used my husbands car and totaled it when he hit a pole spun around and hit a rock in a rainstorm. He was going regular speed, but with the rainstorm probably should have been going slower. He broke his nose and got a small gash on his forehead. My younger son hit the windshield and got a big gash halfway across his forehead to the bone. When I got there they were both bloody but out of the car, my older son dragged the younger one out because he passed out. They recovered from thay after a few hours in the ER getting xrays and catscans.
Then my older son was rear-ended by a drunk driver a month later in his truck. He didn't think to mention it to us until my husband noticed that the bed of the truck was crooked. He was fine and the police came so he figured everything was ok. The frame of the truck was bent and the truck was totaled. I told him he has to make sure and let us know that things happen because it was dangerous for him to be driving in that and we also had to submit a claim to the inurance company.
Two weeks ago my younger son was at a bonfire fooling around with a friend and he fell in the fire. He got second degree burns on his left arm and hand and his right hand. They thought he was going to need skin grafts but luckily last week they told us he didn't.
Friday my older brother told me he left his wife of 22 years for another woman. We got married 6 months apart. We are two years apart and have always been close but I guess for the past 10 to 15 years they have been pretty much room-mates and stayed together for the kids. We both have anxiety and when it kicks in you can tell because we both pace. He came over today for Easter and I felt so bad because I could tell he was totally twitching. He only stayed to eat and talk for a minute then he left. I also feel bad for his wife because we have always gotten along. I will always be there for him but with my own anxiety too I don't want to make him twitch more.
I am also kind of freaking out about my son's prom which is in two weeks. I want to make sure he is safe and not out partying. He has two dates for the prom. One of which is his girlfiriend that he was bagged over her house at 4:30 in the morning. We did meet her mom today so hopefully that never happens again. He also should be graduating this year and will hopefully make it but he has to make up some classes and get the right amount of credits. I am totally freaked out by the fact that he may not graduate.
On a good note, my job is going well. I love my boss and co-workers. I am not getting a raise this year but I am a whole lot less stressed by the work situation.