The final stage of exposure work is inducing a panic attack. Now this can get scary depending how successful you are. Like reverse meditation. Thinking on anything you think might possibly bother you with the intention of panicking. See, if you can panic without it becoming an attack then you can build a positive core belief on this that says there is nothing out of the normal here to drive the panic/anxiety into an attack. (uncontrolled panic) The ability to panic will still exist but you will be able to shrug it off. This ability to shrug it off because you have built a positive core belief saying there is nothing to fear is what only CBT can do for you. The medication can not do this. This is why medication can control but not cure. This being said, when you are successful you can taper the medication off, continuing to do the exposure, stopping the taper if you get attacks again and working the CBT against them at that dose till you are comfortable. It is a good idea to have an anti anxiety to take incase it gets out of hand and this can be a Benzo if it is bad or just Camomile tea if it is mild. What you are aiming for is to weaken the panic response to the point you can forget why you respond in the first place. I'm not saying you won't still be uncomfortable in certain situations, I'm saying you will firmly believe (positive core belief) that the situation can not bother you and you will have no reason to take this mild panic situation (normal) to a panic attack, mild or otherwise.
You can also just keep taking the medication and let it happen on its own. it will take longer but still happen. You will know it is happening when you start to forget to take your medication.
Usually because you have less need for it.
If by inducing a panic attack you think you are losing ground remember this is exposure and part of the process. The object is to prepare yourself to shrug off a panic attack so you will have less chance of your thoughts bringing one on in a potential panic situation. The mind is a powerful tool, you can do this.
Here for you,
PS Don't forget that the reason for taking medication is because you are not building sufficient chemicals you need. As CBT works you do two things, you need less of these chemicals and you store them for later use. DO NOT stop the meds abrupt or with out your doctors approval.
And if you get rebound then you obviously still need them.